Example Phenomena: Earth & Space Sciences

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Here are some examples to explore the same earth and space phenomenon across grade levels with different driving questions. The possibilities are endless, but we must ensure that the learning is increasing in complexity. Writing an aligned driving question helps us do that.


Click to jump to Core Idea ESS1, ESS2, or ESS3.

Moon Phases

K–5: How does the Moon change shape in the sky?

6–8: What causes the different phases of the Moon?

9–12: How do the motions of celestial bodies affect the phases of the Moon and lunar and solar eclipses?

Sunset and Shadows

K–5: Why do shadows change size and direction during the day?

6–8: How does the movement of the Earth cause changes in shadows and day length?

9–12: How do shadows and the Earth’s axial tilt provide evidence of the Earth’s rotation and revolution?

Canyon River

K–5: Why do rocks change shape over time?

6–8: How do wind and water change the landscape?

9–12: How do erosion and weathering contribute to the long-term shaping of Earth’s surface?

Erupting Volcano

K–5: Where are volcanoes most likely found?

6–8: How do volcanoes form along tectonic plate boundaries?

9–12: How do plate tectonics drive the formation of different types of volcanoes and volcanic activity?

Fields in a Dry Valley

K–5: How do humans use water to help plants grow?

6–8: How does irrigation impact water availability?

9–12: How does irrigation influence sustainable water management and environmental health?


K–5: What happens when we cut down too many trees?

6–8: How does deforestation affect ecosystems and the climate?

9–12: How does large-scale deforestation contribute to climate change and alter Earth’s systems?