Phenomena Hub: Phenomena Databases

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Various resources are available as you identify relevant phenomena for your students. Therefore, it is essential to remember to assess the quality and effectiveness of the phenomenon. Then, collaborate with your students to design a driving question to promote inquiry around the phenomenon.

These resources are neither created nor maintained by UnboundEd, and UnboundEd does not control the availability or permissions for use of these resources.

  1. Phenomena for NGSS by Thomas McKenna, Ph.D

  2. The Phenomenon Master List by Paul Anderson, Wonder of Science

  3. Phenomenon Data Sets by Paul Anderson, Wonder of Science

  4. Phenomenon Finder by University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

  5. Wonderopolis

  6. Phenomena Ideas by Model-Based Inquiry

  7. The Kids Should See This

  8. Fleet Science Center

  9. Oregon Phenomena by Oregon Science Teachers Association

  10. Iowa Science Phenomena by Iowa PBS

  11. Data Nuggets by Michigan State University

  12. Phenomena Video Gallery by Carolina Knowledge Center

  13. Phenomena and the NGSS by San Diego County Office of Education Science Resource Center