Transform your teaching practices with our UnboundEd Planning Process™ lesson plan makeovers.
Join us for a three-part professional learning series, during which we’ll explore strategies for adapting lessons and tasks to meet the needs of all learners. Each session centers on a key question: “How can I transform my lesson plans to better support student engagement with grade-level content?”
For a hands-on experience, we’ll use lesson plans submitted by participants for live makeovers. When you register, you can submit your own lesson plan for a potential transformation during one of the sessions.
In Lesson Makeover 1: Planning with Scaffolds, we will adapt a task to provide scaffolds that support grade-level learning.
Participants will see how a content expert builds data-driven scaffolds into an existing lesson plan to ensure all learners can access grade-level content. They will explore how to provide on-ramps to content so that all students can engage in grade-level work.
These standalone webinars allow you to attend one, two, or all three sessions — no preparation or prior commitment required. We will send Zoom links to registrants before each webinar.