Level up your commitment to equitable instruction and become an UnboundEd facilitator.
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Our facilitators deliver standards-based content that builds educators’ capacity to lead and deliver grade-level, engaging, affirming, and meaningful – GLEAM™ – instruction. Join us in eliminating the predictability of student outcomes by race, language, and socioeconomic status.
We are continuously looking for facilitators for each of our pathways
English Language Arts (ELA) Pathway
During Standards Institute ELA sessions, participants learn and practice crafting supports and scaffolds that help address students’ unfinished ELA instruction while maintaining the rigor and demands of the standards and curriculum. Participants explore the commitment, knowledge, and skills necessary to use ELA standards, texts, and tasks to provide all students access to GLEAM™ instruction. They leave with a personal action plan for bringing GLEAM instruction to life in their ELA classrooms.
Math Pathway
During Standards Institute math sessions, participants learn through an interactive, hands-on experience focusing on planning and implementing GLEAM™ mathematics instruction. Participants reflect on math identity and its impact on GLEAM math instruction. They deepen their understanding of the mathematical shifts to support GLEAM math instruction. Participants also learn a new approach to address students’ unfinished instruction that supports GLEAM math instruction within their school contexts. Participants leave Standards Institute with a personal action plan for bringing GLEAM instruction to life in their math classrooms.
Science Pathway
During Standards Institute science sessions, participants learn and practice the principles and key practices of science instruction that embody the Next Generation Science Standards and a vision of GLEAM™ instruction for all students. These hands-on sessions involve a balance of exploring new ideas and seeing how they work through lessons and investigations across scientific domains. Participants leave Standards Institute with a repertoire of practical strategies and a personal action plan for bringing GLEAM instruction to life in their science classrooms.
Leadership Pathway
During Standards Institute leadership sessions, participants learn key concepts of ELA and math instruction to develop a deeper understanding of each subject area. Participants will consider key components of planning, instructional delivery, and coaching that lead to GLEAM™ instruction. They also unpack their roles as leaders in educational equity and operationalizing GLEAM within a school system. Participants will leave Standards Institute with a personal action plan to lead GLEAM instruction in their schools.
UnboundEd Planning Process™ (UPP) Pathway
During Standards Institute UnboundEd Planning Process™ (UPP) sessions, participants learn powerful practices for bringing each aspect of GLEAM™ instruction to life in ELA and math classrooms. For each practice, participants explore what it is, learn a step-by-step recipe for using the strategy with any lesson, and apply it to a set of high-quality lessons. They leave with a repertoire of well-rehearsed strategies they can implement on Monday morning and a personal action plan for bringing GLEAM instruction to life in their classrooms.
MLL Pathway
During Standards Institute Accelerating English Language for Multilingual Students sessions, teachers and coaches receive research-based, high-leverage, immediately applicable resources, processes, and strategies to accelerate academic English development and build knowledge across content areas in the primary classroom. Participants adapt standards-aligned lessons to support multilingual students in instruction for reading foundational skills, ELA, and math to ensure all students have access to grade-level, engaging, affirming, and meaningful — GLEAM™ — instruction. Participants leave Standards Institute with a repertoire of practical strategies and a personal action plan for bringing GLEAM instruction to life for multilingual students.
If you are passionate about equitable instruction and interested in facilitating transformational professional learning, we encourage you to apply.