Bernard is an expert speaker.
Invite Bernard to Speak At Your Next EventBernard Chandler serves as Chief of Staff, increasing productivity and results to extend UnboundEd’s reach and impact.
His career path has included leadership roles in traditional public schools, charter schools, and nonprofits. He leverages his previous experiences as a superintendent and principal supervisor, particularly the most challenging experiences, to develop systems to leverage staff member strengths to achieve ambitious goals.
His most notable career achievements as a superintendent and principal supervisor include a number two statewide ranking in Kindergarten Readiness, a 15-point increase in district graduation rate, and a 60% increase in the number of schools rated A, B, or C.
He earned an associate’s degree in business at Coahoma Community College, bachelor’s and master’s degrees at Belhaven University, and an educational specialist (educational leadership) degree at The University of Mississippi.
He loves making memories with his daughters Ginger and Ava, traveling, debating, and learning about different cultures.