Jason Epting is a passionate and transformative leader, dedicating his life and career to ensuring that underserved communities receive the standard of excellence that they truly deserve. He has worked in education for over two decades as a teacher, coach, principal, head of school, and consultant. He launched his career in Nebraska and Iowa as he finished his Masters and post-graduate work before moving to New York City. In New York, Jason spent 15 years working in charter schools in Harlem. Jason was a teacher, director of student and family affairs, principal, and alumni engagement officer. As a principal and Head of School, Jason transformed his schools in terms of both instruction and culture for staff and students – implementing restorative justice and Responsive Classroom to transform culture, and implementing standards-aligned curricular frameworks and data teams to transform instruction. In his work with alumni engagement, Jason ensured that over 91% of first-year alumni matriculated into their sophomore year. Jason began working with UnboundED as a facilitator in 2017, conducting sessions on standards-aligned ELA curriculum and instruction, equitable teaching practices, and systemic racism and bias. He has also worked as an independent consultant, developing and leading professional development for leaders and teachers in anti-racist best practices and diversity, equity, and inclusion. Jason joins UnboundEd as the Director, Facilitator Engagement to leverage his expertise in building an impactful, closely-knit community of facilitators ready to change the educational landscape.

Jason Epting
Director, Facilitator Engagement