Sharone is an expert speaker.
Invite Sharone to Speak at Your Next EventAs a forever learner, Sharone started off her journey as a career educator 21 years ago. She was educated in the Baltimore City Public School System where she later poured back into the same community she grew up by educating students as a middle school teacher of math, social studies, and English, and high school algebra. She has held various positions at all levels in two Maryland School Systems from teacher, coach, mentor, grant writer, assistant principal, network lead, principal to district administrator. While serving in these various roles, she began her own equity journey and as a result, has provided racial equity support for staff members through a consortium of professional learning opportunities and conferences. She has served as a facilitator of Standards Institute, Virtual Summit, and the System Leaders Academy program to support school leaders and educators across the country in building their capacity around the implementation of standards-aligned instruction and pedagogy keeping equity at the center. Currently, Sharone is the Vice President, Program Design at UnboundEd and oversees the implementation of a federally-funded initiative, the Math Identity Leadership Accelerator (MILA) program focused on transforming how school leaders raise math achievement through the design of professional learning and a focus on culturally relevant and responsive practices. Sharone holds a doctoral degree from Morgan State University in Urban Educational Leadership with a concentration in Social Policy.