The Complexion of Teaching and Learning – Episode Five: Brown v. Board’s Double-Edged Sword

January 15, 2021

In this episode, titled “Brown v. Board’s Double-Edged Sword,” host Brandon White continues to explore the untold impacts of the Brown v. Board court decision that declared segregation unconstitutional in schools and other institutions. This episode’s “B-side” features a conversation between White and Dr. Tanji Reed Marshall, Director of P-12 Practice at The Education Trust.

Episode notes 

The following scholars and texts are featured in episode five:

  • Dana Goldstein, Teacher Wars: A History of America’s Most Embattled Profession
  • Sonya Douglass Horsford, Learning in a Burning House: Educational Inequality, Ideology, and (Dis)Integration
  • Kofi Lomotey, Sailing Against the Wind: African Americans and Women in U.S. Education
  • Dr. Victoria Maria-MacDonald, Latino Education in the United States: A Narrated History from 1513–2000
  • Vanessa Siddle Walker, The Lost Education of Horace Tate


“The Complexion of Teaching and Learning” is a docu-series exploring the historical, political, and professional insights and experiences of educators of color. The series is hosted by Brandon White (Twitter: @ClassroomB), an ELA Specialist for UnboundEd and former middle school ELA teacher and Restorative Practices educator for the Rochester City School District. To get the most out of this series, we recommend you start from episode one.