Our paper “Equitable Mathematics Instruction: Enacting Instruction that is Grade-level, Engaging, Affirming and Meaningful,” lays out three foundational moves for school systems to take in service of math instruction that is grade-level, engaging, affirming and meaningful.
We believe that providing students of color with grade-level mathematics instruction that is engaging, affirming, and meaningful is key to disrupting racism in our schools. Doing so requires that school systems make key technical commitments related to the curricula they adopt, the relationship between core instruction and intervention blocks, how the school day is organized, and more. It also requires adaptive work to examine individual and institutional biases, understand and reflect on identity, and create culturally relevant and responsive classroom environments.
The concept paper lays out three foundational moves that lead to equitable instruction for all of our students:
- Adopt an aligned curriculum.
- Enact core instruction that is engaging, affirming, and meaningful for students, including instructional support that fosters all students’ persistence with grade-level tasks.
- Provide targeted intervention in addition to and in service of grade-level learning.
It is imperative that educators not just do these three things, but ensure that they work together. Creating and communicating a seamless vision of equitable mathematics instruction ensures that teaching and support are aligned in ways that disrupt racism and lead to lasting change.