How to Plan Scaffolds: Mathematics

November 22, 2024

Why use scaffolds?

Scaffolds allow all students to access grade-level content. At UnboundEd, we empower educators to address the predictability of student outcomes through evidence-informed, engaging, affirming, and meaningful grade-level — GLEAM™ instruction — so all students succeed academically. GLEAM instruction provides all students access to texts, tasks, and materials aligned with grade-appropriate college and career standards. For more information on GLEAM, see What is GLEAM™ Instruction?

What are scaffolds?

Scaffolds are evidence-based practices that provide students support for unfamiliar or challenging aspects of a lesson. Effective scaffolds:

  • Help students manage cognitive loadby freeing up working memory for new learning
  • Preserve grade-level rigor
  • Are gradually removed as students build proficiency

To better understand how scaffolds and modifications differ, see Supports vs. Modifications: What’s the Difference?

Use our How to Plan Scaffolds: Mathematics tool to plan just-in-time scaffolds to support individual students with access to grade-level math learning.

Get the Tool