California Math Curriculum Adoption and Launch Cohort

Prepare to adopt and launch high-quality mathematics instructional materials with no-cost, grant-funded support from UnboundEd.

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UnboundEd invites California districts and charter management organizations (CMOs) to participate in a no-cost, grant-funded professional learning cohort focused on adopting and launching a new math curriculum.

Over the 2025–2026 school year, we will guide a cohort of up to 12 districts and CMOs through a research-based process to successfully adopt high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) in math and support their central office teams in launching those materials.  

To participate in this cohort, districts and CMOs must pilot instructional materials based on Illustrative Mathematics (options include Amplify Desmos Math, Imagine Learning, Kendall Hunt, and Kiddom) in addition to the materials they have chosen as a district. Participating organizations will receive adoption support between September 2025 and February 2026 and launch support between March 2026 and June 2026.

Fill out our interest form and schedule a meeting with our team by March 31, 2025, to express interest in participating in the cohort. The last available date for an interview is April 25, 2025.


During the adoption phase, participants will:

  • Identify and recruit a diverse adoption team
  • Engage in a comprehensive needs assessment
  • Create a district-specific instructional vision
  • Develop and implement a district-specific rubric
  • Investigate materials and select materials aligned with the district vision

During the launch phase, participants will:

  • Investigate the math instructional core 
  • Assess the state of math instruction in their buildings
  • Establish a vision and goals for math instruction in the coming school year