Local Summits

Accelerate your instructional vision and build educators’ skills and expertise with an UnboundEd Summit.

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Transform Mindsets and Skillsets. Accelerate change.

During our two-day Summits, we partner with school and district leaders to advance a clear instructional vision and accelerate alignment across your entire system.

Aligned to your specific needs and your local context, these hands-on workshops are designed to build the mindsets and instructional planning that lay the foundation for grade-level, engaging, affirming, and meaningful — GLEAM™ — instruction.

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Educators will:

  • Hear from expert keynote speakers
  • Build awareness and understanding of barriers to effective instruction
  • Learn to recognize and understand GLEAM™ instruction
  • Identify the mindsets and practices that support GLEAM instruction
  • Reflect and commit to specific actions aligned with GLEAM instruction

Educators will leave with:

  • A shared vision, understanding, and language for fostering GLEAM instruction
  • The mindsets, planning, skills, tools, and actions to deliver GLEAM instruction
  • A personalized action plan with context-specific opportunities to ensure GLEAM instruction

How We Organize the Learning


Local Summit Pathways

  • K–5 and 6–12 ELA Instruction

    In our Summit ELA Instruction sessions, we use the science of reading, text complexity analysis, lesson analysis, and scaffolding to identify grade-level, engaging, affirming, and meaningful — GLEAM — entry points for students with unfinished instruction and invite participants to reflect on the impact of unconscious bias on student access to grade-level ELA content.

  • K–5 and 6–12 Math Instruction

    Summit Math Instruction sessions explore what it means to be “good at math,” how math identities shape instruction, and how to foster positive math identities in the classroom. Participants also get a chance to apply their new skills in a hands-on exercise in planning for grade-level, engaging, affirming, and meaningful — GLEAM — math instruction.

  • K–5 and 6–12 Leadership Pathways

    Summit Leadership sessions explore the roots of ineffective instruction, the importance of fostering positive academic identity, and how attention to grade-level, engaging, affirming, and meaningful — GLEAM — instruction can ensure leaders are able to meet the needs of all learners.

    Participants get a chance to apply this knowledge in a guided activity analyzing and adapting a lesson plan for GLEAM instruction. Through this exercise, leaders gain experience identifying and supporting the development of GLEAM

    instruction and how their leadership practices can foster teacher development in this area. Participants will also explore how their leadership practices influence teacher development structures and the roles leaders play in operationalizing GLEAM instruction.

  • K–5 and 6–12 UnboundEd Planning Process (UPP®) Pathways

    As educators, our goal is to deliver lessons that reach all students — but we don’t always know how to get there. The UnboundEd Planning Process (UPP®) demystifies grade-level, engaging, affirming, and meaningful — GLEAM — lesson planning and equips educators with a comprehensive set of differentiation strategies. In this Summit, participants learn how to:

    1. Prioritize grade-level activities
    2. Scaffold for diverse groups
    3. Support productive struggle
    4. Engage students’ unique assets

    This Summit offers educators opportunities to practice applying each strategy in lesson planning, learn to avoid common pitfalls, and explore the mindsets that lead to lasting changes in teaching and learning. K-5 educators will learn through the use of both ELA and math lessons. Educators in grades 6-12 will learn through lessons in their preferred subject area — either ELA or math.

Who is this for?

Summits are perfect for teachers, coaches, and leaders interested in learning how to support effective, student centered instruction in their classrooms.

UnboundEd offers our Summit at the state, district, school, or organization level, providing a unique opportunity for your team to learn and grow together.

The focus on teacher's agency to really empower our students through literacy or disempower them through our low expectations and over-scaffolding (modifying) was so helpful. There were lots of good call outs of things I have done in my own practice and how I can grow from there.

- Teacher Participant

Where Are You In Your GLEAM Journey?

Join the community of educators who are on this journey together.